Pregnancy & Birth

Pregnancy & Birth

      Pregnancy Support

Pregnancy can, as wonderful as it maybe, also be a time of huge anxiety. Support during this time can be hugely beneficial both to mother and baby.  Its a time when you maybe feeling a huge amount of what if's and worries about the future.....  If you have had fertility treatment you may be feeling tense, frightened and stressed on top of all the normal worries.

I provide ongoing support during the whole of a pregnancy - this maybe weekly or you may just want to dip in and out as you feel appropriate.  Towards the end of your pregnancy and as part of this process we can think about your immediate post birth plan.  Something that is often forgotten.  Historically women had a village fairly automatically around them - supporting them post birth.  They had lived in the same place all their lives, they had lots of family with in walking distance and support was automatic.   I believe very strongly that now a days this may be rare and your team that will become your village needs to be hand picked and considered carefully.  You make a birth plan - you also need to make an immediately after birth plan.  Who do you want to see straight away (if anyone!)  Who do you definitely not want to see?  Who will advocate for you?  What would be helpful from you post birth team, and what would most certainly not be helpful? Just a few of the many things we will consider.   I strongly believe this plan can transform the very precious post birth first few weeks.  It sets clear boundaries for those around you and enables you to concentrate on what is really important - your recovery and your baby!  The risk of postnatal depression can be reduced by being proactive before the birth.

Post Birth Support

Almost all women would benefit from a post birth de-brief.  Often even a fairly straightforward birth can be slightly shocking and/or traumatic.  A safe space to process everything can be enormously helpful.  It can help women move forward, confidently feeling supported and heard.  If the birth was traumatic, or had unexpected complications this becomes even more important.  

We know the first 6 weeks are crucial for building relationships and establishing a good bond with your baby.  Support during these early weeks can be so incredibly helpful, a place to ponder your thoughts and feelings - without feeling judged or pressured in any way.